
Natural vs AI-image detector

Neural network powered Natural and AI-generated images state-of-the-art differentiator pipeline.

Virtual Doctor

Application to predict the early onset of heart diseases leveraging deep learning, ensuring security and privacy.

Parking Space Detector

Computer vision powered parking space detector to locate the free spaces in a parking lot in real time utilising a surveillance feed.

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SMS spam detector

Natural Language Processing powered system to categorize incoming SMS messages as spam.

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DeFence: LoRa Hop-by-Hop Ad-hoc network

Ad-hoc security network utilising non-cellular LoRa technology and internet of things to provide an efficient, long range and low power communication between several nodes.

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Parking Assistant

Edge computing system to assist the driver to successfully parallel park the vehicle in the designated spot.

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A distributed scanning system for detecting malicious threats embedded in files with a test suite to help maintain the application in a CI/CD pipeline.

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Detect and Download

A python project to automatically identify latest releases of locally installed tools and download them.

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University’s cross-platform mobile application which provides content accessibility and analytics to a student per the data retrieved from the university management system.

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Smart car proximity detection system

The proximity sensing solution can be arranged around the car, while providing proximity data from different directions, and not only providing the driver feedback on distance and direction but also including a failsafe to engage the brakes if the driver is unable to do so in time.

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Social Distancing Alert Assistant

Arduino powered social distancing alert assistant to signal with a variety of alarms depending on the user’s proximity to others.

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Two-pass assembler for a washing machine’s processor.

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A cross-platform mobile application to help curb an individual’s carbon footprint.

Feel free to go through my GitHub profile for more.