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Scan8 is a distributed scanning system for detecting malicious threats embedded in files.


The project is divided into various modules namely Dashboard, Coordinator Node, Worker Node, and Testing.
The Dashboard provides a responsive web interface for uploading files for new scans and tracking the status of all the submitted scans.
The Coordinator Node listens to updates for new scans, subsequently creating and adding scan jobs to the Redis Queue.
The Worker Node listens to updates for new jobs in Redis Queue and executes them.
The Testing module helps in maintaining the application and facilitating the CI/CD process for the same.

Application Architecture

Scan8 application architecture


Specific dependencies for the Dashboard, Coordinator and Worker can be found in the respective directories in requirements.txt file.

Local Setup Guide

  1. Clone the current repository to your local machine using git clone.
  2. Install the dependencies as specified in Dependencies section.
  3. Make sure the mongod and clamav-daemon services are running in the background.
  4. Check the .env file to have the appropriate MongoDB and Redis host and port (variables are set to defaults).
  5. Access the terminal and move to the Dashboard directory.
  6. Run the flask application using export followed by flask run.
  7. Access another terminal and move to the Coordinator directory.
  8. Run the coordinator node application using python3
  9. Access another terminal and move to the Worker directory.
  10. Run the worker node application using python3
  11. Create Uploads and Results directories in the project directory.


  1. After following the Local setup guide, use any web browser to access the IP address mentioned in the terminal after running flask run (by default it is
  2. Submit new scans using the New Scan button and track their progress on the dashboard.
  3. The results for the submitted scans can be found in the Results directory as <scan id>_<file_name>.json.


The application comes with a test suite to help users ensure correct installation and help developers verify any updates.

  1. Ensure the Results and Uploads directories are empty.
  2. Ensure the MongoDB collections are empty.
  3. Ensure the scan8 application is up and running.
  4. Access a terminal and move to the Testing directory.
  5. Run the test suite using python3 -v.
  6. Run a single scan using the Scan8 dashboard and wait till completion.
  7. Run the test suite again using python3 -v.

Demo videos